We're a collective of diverse trainers and practitioners, each of us committed to the path of authentic and compassionate communication.
Please note that we are a collective of independent trainers. As independent contractors, we are not employees or agents of GNVC, are not supervised by GNVC, and do not act on behalf of GNVC. Rather, GNVC serves as forum in which we advertise our independent services.
Coaching with me is a space for you to show up fully as you are. I offer a space where you can get away from the ever-present societal pressure of looking like you got everything together and that your hair is always perfect, and where you get to be a messy, real human being. You're not coming to me to impress me. You've got Facebook and friends for that. No, you're coming up for "psychological air." Steven Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, called empathy "psychological air," and he said that after physical survival, the next most important and demanding human need is what he called "psychological survival," or the experience of being validated, acknowledged, understood, and even appreciated, as we are. And I agree. I bring a sweet blend of my intelligent, linear engineer mind and my curious, empathic heart to the table - a balance between loving care and powerful skill to give you the understanding, clarity and support you need to move forward in the ways you'd most enjoy. Learn more at ezesanchez.com Eze [at] ezesanchez [dot] com
Kathleen McKee is a former scientist who embraced her passion for interpersonal communication and creating understanding after the awakening experiences of Satvatove seminars. She will help you bring to light your inner truth, and empathically supports you to discover for yourself what is driving you, holding you, inspiring you, or protecting you. With empathy, and in a frame of self-compassion, she will support you to uncover things that were previously difficult to see including beliefs, desires, coping strategies, power sources and emotions in a trauma-informed framework so you can make holistic decisions. She coaches individuals with challenging interpersonal situations and communication strategies. People giver her feedback that she is warm, natural and easy to be with. katamckee [at] gmail [dot] com
A certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, Leif Stringer works with individuals, couples, families, schools, and organizations to deepen their capacity to weed through the language of disconnection and discover the beauty and power of our shared human values. His emphasis on curiosity and kindness allows people to make big leaps from their comfort zones. When not working, you can find him on the playground with his 11-year old son, or home playing with his infant daughter eating delicious food and chocolate, and with his partner Marina and their loving pup. Learn more at www.BraveNewWords.com hello [at] leifstringer [dot] com
Marina Smerling is a former attorney turned life and relationship coach for women who draws upon over a decade of training in NVC, the Hakomi Method (a mindfulness and somatic-based approach to transformation), and nondual spiritual practice to support women in composting age-old shame into radical self-love, and saying “yes” to what brings them to life. When not coaching, Marina can be found organizing fossil-fuel divestment campaigns, nerding out over kombucha, and boogieing to the sounds of samba, hip hop, and West African music, with just a little bit of classical ballet thrown in to humble her. Learn more at www.shamelessheart.com
marina [at] shamelessheart [dot] com
Noor Alexander is “The ALIVENESS Coach”. He helps his clients to finally create the life they’ve been waiting for so that they can experience profound aliveness from living a soul-aligned and purpose-driven life. Noor brings over a decade of experience from the fields of Personal Development, Communication, Spirituality, & Wellness into the fold of his transformative work aimed at helping people to LIVE BIG. He is degreed in Counseling Psychology, Social Anthropology, and Religious Studies. He has been an active NVC Practitioner for over three years and was a co-founding member of GNVC. Noor is now happily residing in St. Petersburg, FL and is available to work with clients virtually. You can read google reviews of his service by googling “Aliveness Coaching”. If you’d like to schedule a brief complimentary consult, email him at: Noor [at] alivenesscoaching [dot] com