Past Events

Sept 18, 2024


Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Requests with Open Heart. For our September workshop we will visit Requests, and how we can connect to our needs and be vulnerable in asking for an interdependent way of living by giving others beautiful opportunities to support us, while not being emotionally attached to certain behaviors. That is the land of requests! Play with examples of Jackal and Giraffe language in inviting others to help meet our needs opening doors for more 2-way interdependence.

august 21 & 28 2024


Half hour self-compassion breaks. Mindful Self-Compassion is the essence of emotional healing. It is the art of supporting ourselves like a good friend. So as we become aware in the moment that we are struggling, we can begin to respond to ourselves with kindness and wisdom to promote ease, more well-being and better relationships in our lives.

Join these two half-hour breaks to experience self-compassion, and learn the science behind why it helps us tolerate hard things, and change the way we live.

Info on August 28 self-compassion break

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

WEDNESDAY, July 24, 2024


Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC Practice Night: Compassion for Trauma Responses: By understanding what trauma is, how it lives in our bodies, and creates automatic responses, we might see a way to take things less personally and have more compassion for others as well as ourselves. By understanding how most of us have experienced some trauma, we can start to see the beliefs it generated as well as protections and reactions that are based in altered neurology.

We will talk about developmental trauma and how to see things through a trauma lens while hopefully building compassion for others and ourselves. We will also talk about the practice of self-compassion which builds capacity to slow down in our reactions to others, and reduce harshness to oursevles.

WEDNESDAY, june 19, 2024


Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC Practice Night: Revisiting LABELS: Labels and judgment can create an internal enemy and internal conflict pushing us away from our own peace. Let's play and practice how we can transform our relationship to names/labels etc. Let's play with some examples I will provide, and then some from your own life. We will practice translating labels to more full true expression that reflects your values and joy-bringing factors of life!

WEDNESDAY, april 17, 2024


Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

Are you Reluctant to Repair? NVC Practice Night: You and your relationship will grow tighter and stronger as a result of making successful repairs. And remember, we’re shooting for progress, not perfection. Should you choose to embark on repairing that ouch that's been lingering around, I'm going to walk you through 11 key points that may help you feel more confidently prepared.

WEDNESDAY, March 20, 2024


Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC Practice: The Alchemy of Self-Empathy - Many of us play recordings in our minds that bend to the negativity bias in our limbic, reptilian brain that is there to protect us from harm. It’s an old default, and our language often relates to someone being at fault, being wrong, and we can feel that about ourselves. These can create judgement and sometimes shame which science suggests shut down learning centers of the brain. They also hinder our ability to connect with others and our sense of self empowerment. Practicing self-compassion is a simple yet surprisingly powerful way to antidote guilt, shame and self-judgment.



Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

How Pure Observation Opens Connection - "All our observations, influenced by personal, family, cultural, and systemic conditioning, are the result of filtering things out and including only what the brain registers as relevant." - Staphanie Bachman Mattei & Kristin Collier

Join Kathleen for a practice session looking at a basic premise of NVC - making observatins without evaluation while being connected with what is in your heart. We will bring in examples from our lives, and discuss how we can better connect with others by taking a step back from our judgments and assumptions that may come with unconcious evaluations when we share what we want or don't want.


10 AM - 6 PM EST

In-Person or Online

Facilitated by: Leif & Eze

The Power of Empathy: Compassionate Communication for Couples - For couples and individuals. All are welcome! This interactive experience will be filled with practical and fun learning things that actually help. An experienced duo will guide you through eight hours of skill-building at a beautiful indoor venue with a nature backdrop in Gainesville, FL. Or, if you prefer, join the workshop online via video. In this hands-on training, you'll learn:
• to recognize habitual patterns of disconnection so you can change them, together
• the blocks that keep you from being able to hear each other with empathy
• to express yourself in a way that invites less reactivity from your partner
• how to ask for what you really want!

friday, january 12 - 15, 2024

11am EST for 20 minutes over 4 days


Facilitated by: Leif & Eze

Free Couples Communication Challenge - consecutive days, 20 minutes at a time. A simple yet potent challenge to fight less and connect more in your relationship, starting today. Leif and Eze are teaming up to show you 4 of the most important communication skills they know to help you level up your partnership. Each of the four days they'll show you practical skills to bring you tangible results. Promise. All the action - the FB live video, the video recording, and the daily worksheet - will be posted each day in this private FB Group.

WEDNESDAY, Dec 20, 2023


Online, Facilitated by: Leif stringer

Changing Relationship Culture, Not Skill - Underneath our ineffective strategies lie our longings, and each moment of liberating them changes us forever. A frustrated relationship cycle can be replaced with a positive one, and the effects are wonderful and vast. We all get disregulated sometimes, yet when our fears don't receive love and our relationship stays in a tense state, the true potential of that relationship becomes distorted. The more distorted we see it the more hopeless we feel, and the more hopeless we feel the more ineffective our actions become. The negative cycle builds on itself. The ability to put out a clear emotional signal and receive an attuned emotional response, changes the culture of that relationship. But what does this take? Responding from the simple, slow, sincere, present, and embodied part of ourselves is a whole different way to be together. I argue that this doesn't require much skill, rather guidance, practice, and devotion are imperative.

WEDNESDAY, Nov 15, 2023


Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC Practice: Transforming Small Talk - Do you "hate small talk?" Do holidays pose challenges for you because of family, friend or office gatherings? You may go into new environments with people aren't used to talking to. You may encounter people you deeply disagree with. How can you comfortably create some connection in that space? Join Kathleen on Wed Nov 15 to co-discover ways of connecting that are comfortable to you. We will practice with some scenarios together.

WEDNESDAY, Oct 24, 2023


Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC Practice: Cultivating Deep Connection - We're here to shake things up and revolutionize the way you communicate with your partner, siblings, besties, parents, and other intimate relationships. We'll do an introductory deep-dive into NVC and how it can help you untangle misunderstandings, navigate tension, and meet more needs together. You'll learn about common communication challenges in these close-quarters relationships, such as: saying "no" & setting boundaries (while communicating care); getting your needs met (both of your needs); feeling emotionally understood (and understanding them, too).



Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Dismantling Patriarchy in Ourselves - Join Kathleen for a discussion about patriarchy in our society, and our unconscious ways of distancing and separating ourselves with language and societal structures. From Miki Kashtan: "Patriarchy, as I see it, is a system that encompasses a worldview; arrangements about how we live as humans with each other on this planet, implicit blueprints for what kinds of institutions we would create, and guidelines for what to do with our young to prepare them for the system itself. The underlying principle of patriarchy, as I understand it, is separation and control. The separation is from self, other, life, and nature." We will practice translating some of our most reliable language to communication that encourages connection with curiosity and possibility.

WEDNESDAY, Aug 19, 2023


Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC Practice: Giving Feedback - Honesty in NVC refers to speaking from the heart, with clarity, power, and compassion. We are clear about our intentions, observations, feelings, values, and needs without demonizing or dehumanizing another. In giving feedback, we can let us know – clearly, and without judgment – how their actions impact us and what we would like to see differently.

WEDNESDAY, july 19, 2023


Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC Practice: The 4 Factors of Empathy - We hear all the time, the importance of "being empathic." But what does that mean? Do we reflect what we hear someone say? Do we put a look on our face that conveys that we care? In our practice night on July 19 join Kathleen to discuss four aspects of empathy: 1. presence, 2. curiosity, 3. intention, 4. focus, as discussed in the new book, The Heart of NVC.

WEDNESDAY, June 21, 2023


Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

June’s monthly NVC practice group - bring your questions, challenging relationship situations, and other places where you'd like to level up your NVC skills – I'll put the agenda together from there! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or send us a message!

WEDNESDAY, May 17, 2023


Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

Come join us the May 2023 NVC practice group, “Making Clear Requests.” Requests are at the core of fulfilling relationships because they largely determine whether we get our needs met or not. This month's practice group will center around making clear & effective requests.

Get the Most out of Every Word: FULL DAY IN-PERSON WORKSHOP

SATURDAY MARCH 25, 2023, 10-5 PM

Guided by: EZE & LEIF

An Immersive Engagement with Compassion. Join communication specialists Eze and Leif for this long awaited in-person workshop on the art of compassionate communication because, after all, connection doesn’t “just happen.” It takes compassionate support, learning new skills, and being patient as we practice.

WEDNESDAY, March 15, 2023


Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Attuned Parenting for Kids' Forming Brains! This short workshop covers approaches for being with kids in a way that connects you both, AND connects the child to themselves. Using Nonviolent Communication and the work of Dan Siegel, we will talk about how parts of the brain of a young person are not integrated yet and how to connect to your developing child. What are the growing parts of the brain? How do I recognize them? How do I respond? We will talk about recognizing when a child is in upstairs brain or downstairs brain, and ideas for how to respond to left and right brain parts that may not be connected, helping brain parts integrate and be in more harmony.

6-week relationship course

starting January 4 and 5, 2023

4 - 5:15 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

6-WEEK Game Changer: Securely Attached - A Small Group Program about Relationships - Beginning January 4, 2023, I am offering a virtual 6-week group focused on adult love relationships grouped by folks with the same attachment style. Two groups of eight people plus me will meet weekly for five weeks, and then both groups meet all together in class six! You’ll learn what attachment is and how it has everything to do with your life. I will detail different coping styles for emotional hurt. We'll make sense of the unique way that your group members naturally protect themselves in relationships that unfortunately creates barriers to intimacy. You'll get tips and tricks, and we'll walk through what secure couples do. I will teach through demonstration, direction, Q & A, and more. To learn more, join my free November 16 evening workshop!

12-week communication course

Mondays starting January 9, 2023

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

12-Week Conscious Communication Course - Join Eze Sanchez beginning January 9, 2023 for his flagship course that can transform your relationship with yourself and your word. “It can be truly painful when the people we want to be closest to are the ones with whom we have the most misunderstanding and conflict. Disheartening when the ones we want to be understood by most are perhaps the ones we feel most misunderstood by, or even unseen. Have you ever felt that way? For me, it was super discouraging. And wouldn't you love knowing how to dance in communication - knowing not only how to speak, but also how to listen - especially in those most challenging times - in a way that supported you to stay connected with the beauty, innocence and humanity of the other, all while getting your point across? Communication is a very sharp double-edged sword. It can lead us into wonderful connection with others, as well as great pain.
The good news is that we can learn new ways of both speaking and listening, that can give us more of the kinds of experiences in relationships that we want. In this course, you'll learn the powerful tools and principles that make up that skill in order to level up your listening and overall communication and help you resolve conflict, navigate relationships and create more of the kind of connection that you want.” - Eze.

3-week communication course for caregivers

Mondays: Nov 28, Dec 5 & Dec 12, 2022

5 - 6:45 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

3-Week Communication Course for Caregivers - Starting Nov 28, Online with Kathleen McKee. As a caregiver, you want to the best for your child and want them to feel supported, loved, and understood. This 3 week practice course is a space to discover simple ways to create clearer connection and acceptance, even in challenging moments as your child's neurology keeps changing!

Children have specific needs related to their caregivers, and this class is designed to help attune and connect with children with some simple communication strategies to help meet those needs, and to assist with creating a more enjoyable, fulfilling and mutually satisfying relationship. This workshop will help create more understanding between you and your child as well as an awareness of your child’s nervous system. When your child feels heard and understood, they are more ready to hear what you want to say. They can get more regulated and receptive. There are very simple ways to do this quickly! When we support a child to understand themselves and their confusing emotions, they are less frustrated and gain self-confidence about who they are and what they need and feel. In this course, we will look beyond the roles of “parent” and “child” and learn to connect and express more from the heart while listening compassionately. You will learn to listen for what is under the words they are saying.

wednesday, november 16, 2022

6 - 7:30 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC Practice Night - Securely Attached in Relationships. Are you someone who wants more hope that love relationships can be easier? We must start talking about our attachment needs, our innate differences, and skills to foster secure attachment? You’ll learn what attachment is and how it has everything to do with your relationship conflicts. You will learn the ins and outs of different naturally occurring coping styles. Come explore with Leif how your attachment style affects your intimate relationships. Learn about the 6-week small group series.



Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC Practice - NVC as Meditation. Join Eze to explore NVC as meditation. NVC has shown time and again that human beings are capable of improving their sense of harmony within themselves as well as with others.



Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC Practice - Securely Attached in Relationships. Come explore with Lief how our attachment style affects our intimate relationships. You’ll learn what attachment is and how it has everything to do with your relationship conflicts. You will learn the ins and outs of different naturally occurring coping styles. Learn about the 6-week small group series.



Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC Practice - Self-Compassion. Tara Brach talks about the two wings of self-compassion: love and mindfulness. In this workshop on Aug 17, 2022 we will discuss and practice what these two wings can do for our nervous system, our self-care and how it can help us convert jackal talk to giraffe talk more easily.

WEDNESDAY, July 27, 2022

6- 7:30 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC Practice: Mourning - Mourning is present with us every day - when things don't go the way we wished, when our needs go unmet, when we experience unpleasant sensations in our bodies. All of these are forms of mourning what could have been instead. But we tend not to mourn, not to be with the grief or the loss. Instead we push those aside and pave the way for frustration, anger and numbness. Mourning holds the key to reconnecting us to ourselves and what we hold dear.

tuesday, June 28, 2022

6- 7:30 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC Practice: Making Requests with Empathy - You may want support from your partner, child or close friend. You notice some frustration inside of yourself for not getting what you need right now. We will walk through examples of situations and any situations you would like to explore! Come away with tools of self-empathy, empathic listening, and connected requesting.

Wednesday, June 16, 2022

6- 7:30 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Learn NVC with Games! - “Don’t do anything that isn’t play!” said Marshall Rosenberg. "An important form of self-compassion is to make choices motivated purely by our desire to contribute to life." We can build emotional literacy and empathy with structured fun. Sometimes learning happens in a more indirect, experiential way, and we can do that with play. It can be scary to look how we have been doing things for years, and trying something new in a space of games can help our nervous system relax enough to let in some new light and air to our standard ways of communicating! Fun means engagement, doing and learning what has meaning and purpose..

Wednesday, mar 16 2022

6- 7:30 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

Playful NVC - “Don’t do anything that isn’t play!” said Marshall Rosenberg. "An important form of self-compassion is to make choices motivated purely by our desire to contribute to life." We can build emotional literacy and empathy with structured fun. Sometimes learning happens in a more indirect, experiential way, and we can do that with play. Join Eze in March for this lively workshop.

WEDNESDAY, Feb 16, 2022


Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

Rerouting Relationship Patterns - Have tough relationship or communication questions you want support with? Want some empathy? This February, we will focus on the intimate partnership and explore three specific moves to recover from a fight. We'll tackle the main themes of insecurity that get cued when relating to your partner or someone you're close to..

monday, jan 17, 2022

6:00-7:30 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

Compassionate Communication 10-week Series - Come cultivate yourself in the Art of Dialogue. Learn to turn conflict into closeness, judgment into acceptance and dissatisfied needs into fulfillment in your most important relationships. This beginner course on Nonviolent Communication (NVC) pairs practical skills and a powerful consciousness that acknowledges the inner world of everyone involved. This 10-week course is highly experiential, designed to give you first-hand experience with the skills at hand.

Wednesday, dec 15 2021

6- 7:30 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

Talking with Family Over the Holidays - As we head into the holidays, there's one thing that's probably on your mind... spending time with family and friends and other loved ones who may think and live differently than you! Then there's the "extra guest" who is the elephant in the room who we don't know very well and might feel awkward to be around. To equip ourselves with skills for navigating the tumultuous terrain of family conversations over the holiday season, we will explore how empathy and dialogue can build bridges for shared understanding and a sense of connection, even with those who have differing views than our own.

Wednesday, nov 17 2021


Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC Beyond BASICS - Have tough relationship or communication questions you want support with? Want some empathy? Or simply want to learn more about Nonviolent Communication (NVC)? A purpose of NVC is to create a high quality of connection between people who enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being. A purpose of NVC is to create a high quality of connection between people who enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being. Learn to turn conflict into closeness, judgment into acceptance and dissatisfied needs into fulfillment in your relationships.

Wednesday, Oct 20, 2021

6:00-7:30 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC Beyond BASICS - Have tough relationship or communication questions you want support with? Want some empathy? Or simply want to learn more about Nonviolent Communication (NVC)? A purpose of NVC is to create a high quality of connection between people who enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being. A purpose of NVC is to create a high quality of connection between people who enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being. Learn to turn conflict into closeness, judgment into acceptance and dissatisfied needs into fulfillment in your most important relationships.

Saturday, Oct 9 2021

11 - 12:30 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Social Justice Dialogue - Did you know that it’s easier for our brain to sort through content items if they are associated in our mind? So to be efficient, survive and get through our days, we subconsciously hold implicit bias. When this happens among groups of people, we end up having unconscious preferences and stereotypes about people. Vernā Myers invites us to get out of our denial, and "stop trying to be good people." Kathleen will facilitate a gentle, humble exploration where fumbling is allowed, and curiosity and openness are encouraged!

Thursday, Sept 16, 2021

6:00-7:30 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC Beyond BASICS - Join Leif this month, on Thursday September 16 for an interactive practice workshop. You'll explore deeper ways to create high quality connection with others from our shared humanity.

"The tools that I teach are the ones that I rely on to have authentic and connected relationships in my own life. This takes vulnerability, compassion, courage, and practice." - Leif

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021


Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC Beyond BASICS - This month, Eze Sanchez hosts a lively interactive workshop! We'll be exploring how to navigate f***ing difficult relationships and conversations. Bring your most challenging situations and conversations, and if possible, bring the other person too! We'll explore what tends to make these relationships explode as well as exploring different options available for how to move forward.

WEDNESDAY, July 7, 2021

6:00-8:00 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC BASICS - This monthly workshop is designed to introduce you to some core principles and basic tools of Nonviolent Communication with space to experience and practice in bite size chunks. Join us for a consciousness-raising and skill-building session.
Join Kathleen to playfully explore "violent" and "nonviolent" communication with real life examples and puppets! We will also ask, "what is a faux feeling?"

Tuesdays (every other), June 29, July 13 and 27, 2021

11:30am to 12:30pm Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Self-Compassion Lunch Breaks - "Mindful Self-Compassion is the essence of emotional healing. It is the art of supporting ourselves like a good friend. So as we become aware in the moment that we are struggling, we can begin to respond to ourselves with kindness and wisdom to promote ease, more well-being and better relationships in our lives." (Marie Bloomfield). These gentle, yummy 1 hour sessions will consist of a self-compassion guided meditation for 5 to 10 minutes, sharing, a reading or teaching with discussion, a recorded meditation and closing.

saturdays series - july 10, 17, 31 and August 14

11:00am to 12:30pm Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Developmental Trauma and Self-Compassion 4-week course - We develop skills for meeting our needs in early childhood. If not, we may grow up being unable to express our needs and feelings, and often feel undeserving of having our needs met. We may grow up both seeking and fearing connection. In this class, you will learn about developmental trauma and how it appears in adult life depending on what may have happened in childhood, and together we will practice ways to connect and support ourselves with self compassion and somatic awareness. By learning about the subtle trauma you or others have experienced, it widens the field of our awareness of how that may have impacted and increases our capacity to hold possibility and compassion for others and ourselves. We become better equipped to hold space and care and decrease our propensity to take things personally.

WEDNESDAY, July 21, 2021

6:00-8:00 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC Beyond BASICS - The 3rd Wednesday of each month we go "Beyond Basics" to explore deeper ways to connect with others from our common humanity. Have tough relationship or communication questions you want support with? Want some empathy? Or simply want to learn more about Nonviolent Communication (NVC)? A purpose of NVC is to create a high quality of connection between people who enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being. All are welcome to come and build an inner foundation of compassionate communication. Come explore and practice with Leif this month for a lively interactive workshop.

WEDNESDAY, June 2, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC BASICS - This monthly workshop is designed to introduce you to some core principles and basic tools of Nonviolent Communication with space to experience and practice in bite size chunks. Join us for a consciousness-raising and skill-building session. "Champions are brilliant at the basics." -John Wooden
The "basics" are the foundation of any activity, skill, or discipline. Without a solid foundation, no building stands to hold for any significant period of time. So let's get "brilliant" at the basics! This monthly workshop is designed to introduce you to some core principles and basic tools of Nonviolent Communication - compassionate communication that connects us in our common humanity.

WEDNESDAY, June 16, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC Beyond BASICS - The 3rd Wednesday of each month we go "Beyond Basics" to explore deeper ways to connect with others from our common humanity. We will co-discover open-hearted living - a key intention of Nonviolent Communication. What does that mean, and what does it look like in practice, internally and externally? We will share, explore and practice in a safe inviting space. How to receive others, how to share ourselves, and how to practice self compassion while opening the field a bit wider when guessing the needs of others who may be relating in a way that feels less than connecting for us.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. EASTERN US TIME

Online, Facilitated by: Noor Alexander

NVC Beyond BASICS - The 3rd Wednesday of each month we go "Beyond Basics" to explore deeper ways to connect with others from our common humanity. On May 19, Noor will facilitate "Expressing Appreciation Using NVC." A purpose of NVC is to create a high quality of connection between people who enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being. Some appreciation and gratitude can be less than connecting. So how do you express appreciation and gratitude using NVC? Come explore and practice with Noor this month for a lively interactive workshop which will be both didactic and interactive. In this fun, dynamic NVC ("Beyond Basics") workshop on Wed, May 19th from 6-8 PM EDT, you can expect to:

• Learn about the purpose of NVC appreciation

• Learn about the shortcomings of mainstream models of giving and receiving appreciation that we’ve been culturally taught

• Discover the cost of with-holding and not expressing authentic gratitude

• Identify your blocks to receiving appreciation

• Uncover how to express appreciation in a way where it can be truly received


Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC BASICS - This monthly workshop is designed to introduce you to some core principles and basic tools of Nonviolent Communication with space to experience and practice in bite size chunks. Join us for a consciousness-raising and skill-building session.

One Year of Saturdays STARTING MAY 1, 2021 10AM - 12:15PM EASTERN US TIME

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

Year-Long NVC Coach Training - A year-long training for individuals that want to take their commitment to NVC to the next level. Where empathy and personal growth meet. This is an all-inclusive training designed to bring you, whether you have experience with NVC (or coaching) or not, to a point of being skillfully able to empathize with someone to support their healing, growth and transformation. There are two parallel tracks in the course: Self-Awareness and Communication Skills.
For more info, you can visit the Facebook event or the event web page

Who is this course for?
- Coaches wanting to implement NVC into their practices,
- People wanting to become potent coaches,
- Individuals passionate about NVC who want to be immersed in a transformative NVC community

WEDNESDAY, April 7, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC BASICS - This monthly workshop is designed to introduce you to some core principles and basic tools of Nonviolent Communication with space to experience and practice in bite size chunks. Join us for a consciousness-raising and skill-building session.

WEDNESDAY, april 21, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Noor Alexander

NVC Beyond BASICS - The 3rd Wednesday of each month we go "Beyond Basics" to explore deeper ways to connect with others from our common humanity. On April 21, Noor will facilitate "Going Beneath Anger." What is underlying the anger? Let’s gently explore and discover.

WEDNESDAY, March 3, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC BASICS - This monthly workshop is designed to introduce you to some core principles and basic tools of Nonviolent Communication with space to experience and practice in bite size chunks. Join us for a consciousness-raising and skill-building session.

tuesdays, March 9 & 23, April 6 & 20 12-1pm Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Self Compassion Breaks - Science suggests that constant self-judgment shuts down the learning centers of the brain, robbing us of the resources we need to learn and grow. These 1 hour sessions will consist of a self-compassion guided meditation for 5 to 11 minutes, sharing, a talk about the value and effects of self-compassion, a poem, another meditation and closing sharing realizations and intentions.

WEDNESDAY, March 17, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC Beyond BASICS - Have tough relationship or communication questions you want support with? Want some empathy? Or simply want to learn more about Nonviolent Communication (NVC)? NVC is a practice for both conflict resolution and personal healing which has spread across the world, helping individuals, couples, co-workers, and government leaders alike to speak their truth in ways that connect.

tuesdays, January 12 & 26, February 9 & 23 12-1pm Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Self Compassion Breaks - Science suggests that constant self-judgment shuts down the learning centers of the brain, robbing us of the resources we need to learn and grow. These 1 hour sessions will consist of a self-compassion guided meditation for 5 to 11 minutes, sharing, a talk about the value and effects of self-compassion, a poem, another meditation and closing sharing realizations and intentions.

WEDNESDAY, February 3, 2021 6:00-8:00 PM Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC Basics - This monthly workshop is designed to introduce you to some core principles and basic tools of Nonviolent Communication with space to experience and practice in bite size chunks. Join us for a consciousness-raising and skill-building session.

sunday, February 14, 2021 10am - 3pm Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

Valentine's Day NVC Retreat for Couples - Treat yourself and your loved one to a half-day of growing closer together and getting to know each other more deeply in new and vulnerable ways! Whether you're interested in learning tools to turn conflict into closeness or learn ways to better understand each other's needs, this course is packed with practical skills and exercises with one goal in mind: a more fulfilling relationship.

WEDNESDAY, February 17, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC Beyond Basics - Depression & NVC.
"To be able to hear our own feelings and needs and to empathize with them can free us from depression." - Marshall Rosenberg
One way to look at depression is that it's a state of being disconnected from what we want, and therefore less likely to get what we want.
This is in no way meant to minimize or substitute the traditional understanding of depression, but rather be an empowering and practical way to understanding and manage our own depression.
In this “Beyond Basics” Nonviolent Communication workshop, Eze will help us:
• Reflect on how depression lives in each of us
• Connect with the unmet needs underneath depression
• Mourn our unmet desires, and
• Consider new requests of ourselves and others to help us meet these needs/ wants/ hopes/ dreams inside us

mondays, Jan 4, 11, & 12, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC for Close Relationships - This three part course is for beginners or experienced folks alike. We delve into our consciousness to become aware of what we are doing under the surface, and explore ways of being more authentic in ways others can hear us. We will be exploring NVC with a basis of self compassion. You will learn practices for self-connection and high level skills for relating to others in a way that you stay more grounded with an enhanced ability to listen and speak in your personal relationships. You will also develop insight about yourself.

WEDNESDAY, Jan 6, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC Basics - This monthly workshop is designed to introduce you to some core principles and basic tools of Nonviolent Communication with space to experience and practice in bite size chunks. Join us for a consciousness-raising and skill-building session.

WEDNESDAY, Jan 20, 2021 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Noor Alexander

NVC Beyond Basics - Transforming Blame. Blame is a common form of communication many of us have been taught or had modeled to us. Unfortunately, blame has very negative consequences in relationship. Blaming another can lead to easy disconnection, and blaming one’s self can cause a shrinking feeling inside. How do we recover from blame when it happens? What is underneath blame? What are some other strategies to use to convert blame into something more useful? And, what might that look like?
In the upcoming “Beyond Basics” Nonviolent Communication workshop, these are key questions Noor will be addressing, as he helps us take a close took at blame and radically transform it in our lives. In attending this workshop, you will:
• Gain a better understanding of what blame actually is
• See more clearly why blame is not effective
• Understand what is underneath blame
• Learn strategies to work with in un-learning blame
• Discover how to transform blame into something healthy & useful

WEDNESDAY, Dec 2, 2020 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC BASICS - This monthly workshop is designed to introduce you to some core principles and basic tools of Nonviolent Communication with space to experience and practice in bite size chunks. Join us for a consciousness-raising and skill-building session.

WEDNESDAY, dec 16, 2020 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC Beyond BASICS - NVC: to Hide or Guide Discussions on Race? NVC has enriched the lives of many individuals and communities, yet, communities of colour. and other people who have been marginalized, often feel alienated by conventional NVC culture.

WEDNESDAY, Nov 4, 2020 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC BASICS - This monthly workshop is designed to introduce you to some core principles and basic tools of Nonviolent Communication with space to experience and practice in bite size chunks. Join us for a consciousness-raising and skill-building session.

WEDNESDAY, Nov 18, 2020 6:00-8:00 P.M. Eastern US time

Online, Facilitated by: Noor Alexander

NVC Beyond BASICS - One unique aspect that sets NVC apart from other communication tools is the last element in the four component process, which is Requests. It’s not the easiest, and many people struggle with it. A request might look like: would you be willing to help me carry in the groceries? Are you available for the next 10 minutes to hear about my day? In this upcoming workshop, we will explore your specific relationship to requests (i.e. how your identity & social location may impact your degree of comfort or discomfort around making requests), the potential vulnerability in making requests, learn the difference between a request vs. a demand, and you’ll receive some support to feel more confident and empowered in applying requests more successfully in your life to meet certain needs.

WEDNESDAY, OCT 7, 2020 6:00-8:00 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC BASICS - What are some ways we can approach difficult conversations? How can we best make our needs known? How can we listen to "the other side" while staying connected? So critical in this time.

WEDNESDAY, OCT 21, 2020 6:00-8:00 P.M.

Meetup Online, Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC Beyond BASICS - NVC: to Hide or Guide Discussions on Race? NVC has enriched the lives of many individuals and communities, yet, communities of colour. and other people who have been marginalized, often feel alienated by conventional NVC culture.

WEDNESDAY, Sept 2, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC BASICS Meetup Online

WEDNESDAY, Sept 16, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC Beyond BASICS - Practice sounding natural with NVC.

Meetup Online

Saturdays, Sept 19 - November 14, 2020, 10am - 12:15pm

Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC: A Language of Life: 9 week Series This introduction to Nonviolent Communication pairs practical skills and a powerful consciousness that acknowledges the inner world of everyone involved. You will learn and be supported to turn conflict into closeness, judgment into acceptance and dissatisfied needs into fulfillment in your most important relationships.

WEDNESDAY, august 19, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Beyond Basics Meetup Online

Hidden Labels: how we might be unknowingly creating pain or distance. Let’s take a look at how to express ourselves more accurately to increase the possibility of being understood, and how to hear others behind the labels.

Friday, august 14, 2020, 1-12 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

Empathy Call Online. These are uncertain times and we are experiencing new unprecedented challenges. We want to create a space where you can be understood and received with empathy. We need each other more than ever. Join us to create an empathic space together. Come lean back into some soft acceptance. Format will be a 15 minute discussion of empathic listening - what it is and what it is not. Then people will pair off to share for 15 minutes each and then closing. No experience necessary.

WEDNESDAY, august 5, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC BASICS Meetup Online

thursdays, July 30th to Sept 24th, 2020 6 - 7:30 p.m.

NVC: A Language for Connection - 9 Week Series.

Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

Learn to turn conflict into closeness, judgment into acceptance and dissatisfied needs into fulfillment in your most important relationships. This introduction to Nonviolent Communication pairs practical skills and a powerful consciousness that acknowledges the inner world of everyone involved. You will have a safe and loving space to explore meaningful issues in your life and practice new skills. During meetings, there will be interactive experiences designed to give you first-hand realization about the material we are covering, some fun and play, and definitely interpersonal growth! Each week, there will be an assignment to complete in between classes that will take ~30-60 minutes.

WEDNESDAY, July 15, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

Beyond BASICS Meetup - Online

WEDNESDAY, july 1, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

NVC Basics Meetup - Online

WEDNESDAY, June 17, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

Beyond BASICS Meetup - Online

saturdays, june 6 - August 1, 2020 2 - 4 p.m.

Facilitated by: Eze Sanchez

NVC 9-Week Series: A Language of Life - Online Class

In a loving space, you will experience an atmosphere of trust and security allowing you the space to explore meaningful issues and practice new skills. During meetings there will be interactive experiences, some play, some pairing up and some personal sharing. Between meetings there will be individual and partnered assignments that create the valuable experience of practice!

WEDNESDAY, June 3, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Leif Stringer

NVC BASICS Meetup - Online

WEDNESDAY, May 20, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Marina Smerling

Beyond BASICS Meetup - Online

WEDNESDAY, May 6, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze

NVC BASICS Meetup - Online

WEDNESDAY, april 15, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen

Beyond BASICS Meetup - Online

Tuesdays April 7 - May 12, 2020

Facilitated by: Marina, Shameless Heart Coaching

Standing Together: Online Women's Support Circle

We stand in the midst of a strange new world, facing unprecedented challenges to our health, our relationships, our finances, our sense of predictability and steady ground. We are grieving. We are scared. We are frozen. We are overwhelmed. And yet, although we may stand six feet apart, we are experiencing so many different waves of the same quaking earth. Let us witness, listen, and be with each other in the dark and the light of these times alike. In our isolation, in our distancing, we need each other like never before. How can we reach out and be allies to each other, even in our isolation, reminding one another of our shared humanity and making-sense-ness, with the gift of our presence and listening? In community, we remember: we are not alone. In community, held and heard and understood, we strengthen. Studies show that “social engagement” strengthens our immune systems. Thus, in community, there is immunity.

sunday, april 5, 2020 10:00-4:00 p.m.

Facilitated with: Leif & Eze

Free to Speak, Free to Listen. A one-day workshop to move beyond the shackles of blame.

Ever get trapped in the blame game? We may get tipped off balance and fall into that awful place, and then unfortunately lose our clarity, hope and empowerment in the fall. Before the words come off our tongue, we experience physical, mental and emotional signals that can be helpful. Wanna learn about this plus some ninja moves to get out of the bind? Join local trainers Eze Sanchez & Leif Stringer for this one-time event to support us in getting free - free to speak and to listen from our hearts, not our judgments, with unique tools to take into all your relationships.

WEDNESDAY, april 1, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Leif

NVC BASICS Meetup - Online

WEDNESDAY, February 19, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze

Beyond BASICS Meetup @ Life Force Health & Wellness

WEDNESDAY, February 5, 2020 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen

NVC BASICS Meetup @ Life Force Health & Wellness

tuesdays, january 28 - march 31, 2020 6:30 - 8:45 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze @ Life Force Health and Wellness

NVC 9-Week Series: A Language of Life

In a loving space, you will experience an atmosphere of trust and security allowing you the space to explore meaningful issues and practice new skills. During meetings there will be interactive experiences, some play, some pairing up and some personal sharing. Between meetings there will be individual and partnered assignments that create the valuable experience of practice!

WEDNESDAY, December 4, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze

NVC BASICS Meetup @ Gainesville Family Wellness

WEDNESDAY, November 20, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen

Beyond BASICS Meetup @ Gainesville Family Wellness

WEDNESDAY, November 2, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Marina

Beyond BASICS Meetup @ Gainesville Family Wellness

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze

Beyond BASICS Meetup @ Gainesville Family Wellness

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Leif

NVC BASICS Meetup @ Gainesville Family Wellness

WEDNESDAY, september 18, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Marina

Beyond BASICS Meetup @ Gainesville Family Wellness

tuesdays, september 17 - November 12, 2019 6:30 - 8:45 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen & Eze @ Kathleen’s home

NVC 9-Week Series: A Language of Life

In this 9-week course, you will have the opportunity to experience a new way of relating and a safe space to practice NVC with two expert communication coaches. We will read Marshall Rosenberg's book and create skill and realization. Between meetings there are readings, individual assignments and partner exchanges to practice language skills and powerfully shift consciousness to a honor feelings and hear needs in all forms of communication.

WEDNESDAY, september 4, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen

NVC BASICS Meetup @ Gainesville Family Wellness

WEDNESDAY, august 21, 2019 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen

Beyond BASICS Meetup @ Gainesville Family Wellness

WEDNESDAY, august 7, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze

NVC BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

WEDNESDAY, July 17, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze

NVC BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

WEDNESDAY, June 19, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen

Beyond BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

WEDNESDAY, June 13 - August 15, 2019 6:30 - 8:45 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen & Eze @ Kathleen’s home

NVC 9-Week Series: A Language of Life

In this 9-week course, you will have the opportunity to experience a new way of relating and a safe space to practice NVC with two expert communication coaches. We will read Marshall Rosenberg's book and create skill and realization. Between meetings there are readings, individual assignments and partner exchanges to practice language skills and powerfully shift consciousness to a honor feelings and hear needs in all forms of communication.

WEDNESDAY, June 5, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Leif

NVC BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

WEDNESDAY, May 15, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze

Beyond BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

WEDNESDAY, May 1, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Marina

NVC BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

wednesday April 17, 2019 6 - 8 p.m.

Facilitated by: Leif

Critical Self Critical Other @ The Civic Media Center

WEDNESDAY, April 3, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen

NVC BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

WEDNESDAY, March 20, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze

Beyond BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

WEDNESDAY, march 6, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Leif

NVC BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

thursdays, february 21 - April 18, 2019 6:30 - 8:30 P.M.

Facilitated by: Kathleen & Eze @ Kathleen’s home

Nonviolent Communication 8 week series

This nine week series consists of group learning, practice and transformation. Between meetings there are readings, individual assignments and partner exchanges to practice language skills and powerfully shift consciousness to a honor feelings and hear needs in all forms of communication.

WEDNESDAY, february 20, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze

Beyond BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

WEDNESDAY, february 6, 2019 6 - 8 P.M.

Facilitated by: Eze & Kathleen

NVC BASICS Meetup @ The Civic Media Center

sunday, january 27, 2019 4 - 5:30 P.M

Facilitated by: Marina, Shameless Heart Coaching

HeartSpace for Women! Compassionate Communication Practice @ The House of Yin

This group will be the first in a series that it is about deepening our capacity for self-kindness and love, and stepping into greater authenticity and intimacy in all our relationships, including with each other. Nonviolent Communication (aka "Compassionate Communication") is a powerful practice that can be used for both personal healing and interpersonal communication, based on the deceptively simple notion that everything we say, do, and speak is an attempt to meet a human need. The more we can connect with our needs - rather than our judgments of ourselves and others - the more compassion flows naturally within and between us. This group will have 3 focuses: ** Skill-Building: Practicing the art of compassionate truth-telling; ** Fostering Radical Self-Kindness: Noticing the places where we blame and shame ourselves into the closet, and offering those places kindness, empathy, a deep and gentle listening; ** Community-Building: Creating a safe and supportive space for personal and collective healing.

thursdays, January 17 - february 28, 2019 8 - 9:15 P.M.

Facilitated by: Marina, Shameless Heart Coaching

Loving Well: Women's Online Relationship Support Series

For those seeking practical tools, wisdom, and loving community to help their relationships to thrive. Open to all sexual orientations and genders of self-identified womxn, whether cis, trans, genderqueer, genderfluid, or otherwise non-binary folk who in any significant way identify as female. It takes a village to raise a relationship. This group will inspire you to stretch in the places where you need to grow your tolerance and your compassion for your partner. To speak up in the places you need to risk disappointing them for the sake of being true. And to discern whether it is your empathy or your expression that needs engaging. You’ll learn new relationship support practices, discuss and actually practice them within the group, then have large group Q & A and discussion.

wednesday January 16, 2019 6 - 8 p.m.

Facilitated by: Leif

Attending To Needs With Care Vs. Meeting Needs @ The Civic Media Center

Thursday January 3, 2019 8 - 9 p.m.

Facilitated by: Marina

Free Teleclass: Committing to Loving Well in the New Year

Gather with us to set intentions for loving well in our intimate relationships in 2019. Identify your medicine, what's needed to call forth your capacity to show up loving, self-attuned, and well-boundaried in your intimate relating in the coming year.

2-day Workshop, 11/3 & 4, 2018

* with special guest trainer jared finkelstein

Unstuck Parenting: Cultivate Confidence and Compassion

wednesday october 17, 2018 6-8 p.m.

Facilitated by: Eze & Marina

Open Practice Group @ The Civic Media Center

wednesday september 19, 2018 6-8 p.m.

Facilitated by: Eze & Leif

Giraffe Ears @ The Civic Media Center

wednesday august 15, 2018 6-8 p.m.

Facilitated by: Eze & Leif

Enemy-images In A World Of Needs @ The Civic Media Center

wednesday juLY 18, 2018 6-8 p.m.

Facilitated by: Noor & Leif

NVC In A Digital World @ The Civic Media Center

wednesday june 20, 2018 6-8 p.m.

Facilitated by: Leif & Marina

Tough relationship questions and more @ The Civic Media Center

Wednesday april 18, 2018 6-8 p.m.

Facilitated by: Marina & Noor

From Self-Defeat to Self-Empowerment: New Options for Supportive Communication @ The Civic Media Center